BORIS+NATASCHA produce twisted conceptual and socially critical works that explore the human condition. Working across media, each project is a pop culture memento mori. The duo started collaborating in 2003, taking their pseudonym from the 1960s comic villains, popular in Australia, where Natascha was born to German immigrants. BORIS+NATASCHA live and work in Berlin.

Both have longer-standing solo practices as Boris Eldagsen and Natascha Stellmach. Notable exhibitions include MAK Wien, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Australian Centre for Photography Sydney, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, Fusion 5 Festival Cannes, Athens Video Art Festival, Halle 14 Leipzig, Fridericianum Kassel, ACC Weimar, Scope Basel and the Biennale d’Art Contemporain Le Havre where their video work, Meditations #1 was awarded the “Prix Partouche du Court Métrage Expérimental”. Individual exhibitions of note include Documenta(13) (Natascha) and winning the Prix Voies Off in Arles (Boris).

‘BORIS + NATASCHA share a fascination with language and the discrepancy of diverse perspectives, which might have come straight from a Chandler novel.’ MIKE STUBBS, Director FACT Liverpool

‘With a penchant towards black humour, this artist duo investigates the human condition in western society.’ SUSANNE JACOBCZYK, Writer / Curator Kunstverein Kassel

CONTACT: mail[at]


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